Astro Prashant Srivastava Astro Post

Astrological Insights

Explore precise predictions based on deep astrological understanding.

a man in a chair with a clock and candlesa man in a chair with a clock and candles
Past Predictions

Learn from my clients' past and present experiences.

a man standing in front of a clock with a zodiac sign thanking prashant srivastava for his helpa man standing in front of a clock with a zodiac sign thanking prashant srivastava for his help
Client Stories

Discover transformation through my clients' journeys and experiences.

a man sitting in a meditation position with a candle and a candlea man sitting in a meditation position with a candle and a candle
prashant srivastava in mumbaiprashant srivastava in mumbai
Astrology Services

Offering tailored astrology insights for personal guidance and growth.

Prashant Life Coaching

Experience my journey as a renowned astrologer and palmist.